this is going to be a brief.
i was just thinking that i should post an abbreviated makeshift version of my current wishlist.
it's fun knowing what other people want.
what they're coveting.
things for which they've been searching for years.
or days.
highly abbreviated, remember.
. feather hat, preferably bright teal/turquoise
. high-waisted short skirts
. high-waisted cuffed/pleated shorts
. lace-up black gladiator boots
. straw trilby hat
. black wellies
. sheer tights
. tulip skirts
. american apparel deep-v t-shirts
. vintage leather satchel/cargo purse in a camel color
. new or vintage frilly [but classic] blouses
. avant-garde structured pieces
. large pop-art novelty-printed pieces
. vintage band t-shirts, as always [i stay away from black ones. too common.]
. modern structured platform wedges
. givenchy shoes
. tsumori chisato satin multi hooded jacket [haven't been able to find one of these in a very long time......sigh]
and that's just clothing.
you don't even want to peek at my music wishlist.
eh. i'll most likely end up posting a small snippet of it, too.
at some point.
i also have a toy wishlist
and a wishlist for my son.........
goodnight, goodnight, good morning.
i have more to post.
however i'm feeling a bit snackish.
actually, snackish isn't the correct term.
i'm hungry.
stomach grumblies and all.
it's late.........midnight to be exact. i think i'll opt for a warm bowl of oatmeal,
topped with fresh bananas. sprinkling of brown sugar. yumm.
speaking of food, i'll be posting more recipes.
i'm just as obsessed with food as i am with clothes.
i have A LOT of clothing.
but i have more recipes.
it's amazing that i stay slender enough to fit into half my clothing. i loved baked goods.
i would kill for a fresh bluberry scone right now.
oh, enough.
hunger calls.
exceptionally lovely night to you all.
dress, shareen vintage via ebay, $250
i haven't received it yet. expecting it later this week. not sure what i'm going to do with it. i need to find somewhere to wear it. or perhaps i'll just save it to get married in. i've always liked the idea of having a very non-traditional, simple, elegant, outside wedding. besides, it could look quite classic with a simple updo and simple diamond necklace + earrings. and the right shoes.
in spring or autumn.
i love flowers, but i also love the turning of leaves.
and october has to be my absolute favorite month.
perfect weather, and my favorite holiday.......halloween.
not in a horror-goth way, just in that it brings back happy childhood memories.
dressing up, scouting neighborhoods, collecting candy, getting home and spilling it out, organizing and counting it, then eating enough to make your stomach ache for days....
what fun is there not to be had there?
i've done quite a bit of impulse shopping on ebay recently. i'll post my latest buys in my next blog. all quite cheap, though. and anyone who knows me knows i'm the ultimate bargain shopper. i'm quite good at finding awesome pieces very, very cheap.
except for that dress, of course.
shhhhhh. that was a one-time thing.
it's late.
nerd glasses. don't be afraid of them.
potato sandwich for late-lunch.
make your own.
anywho. tonight is a rare night. i just might sleep.