i'm quite over the frigid weather. looking forward to spring.
picked up the british elle mag today. whopping 9 bucks. not only do we have to pay a lot for fashionable clothes....we also have to pay a lot to know what's fashionable.
made me very happy to see so much color.
made me very happy to see so much color.
color, florals, bold prints.
sunshine, rainbows, and flowers.
and cake.
i'm not too keen on the term 'fashion', however.
i love fashion. not fads, mind you.
it's interesting to see what's going to be hot next season. fun.
i don't read fashion mags so that i can go out the next day and grab all the latest trends off the racks. i actually try to find similar pieces in vintage form. i like the pictures. i like being able to 'oooh' and 'aaaaah' at the pretty things, and scoff at the horrid and the i'd-never-be-caught-dead-in's.
i look for inspiration. it's fun to flip through the pages and spot different pieces, relate them to ones in your own closet, and piece together different outfits in your mind.
plus.....the daydreams.
oh, pretty things i'll never afford...

ok, so what.
i love love love my black lame leggings. they look like liquid rubber and look good with everything.
and i practically live in my salt + pepper fleece hoodie.
i've had both for a long time.
i recommend both.
permanent wardrobe staples.
go get yours now.
they can still be pulled off well through spring, even cool summer nights.
the leggings, that is.
and who doesn't want a comfy, cuddly, security-blanket-garment that goes on or comes off with the mere push or pull of a zipper?
the hood is a plus.
i love hoods.
more later.